Principal's Corner
Welcome to School Year (SY) 2024-2025, Wiesbaden Families.
It is my pleasure to begin my second year as the instructional leader at Wiesbaden Elementary School (WES). We remain focused on carrying out DoDEA’s vision to “provide excellence in education for every student, every day, everywhere.” This year's instructional theme at WES is “Next Steps To Growing Greatness.” Our goal is to continue growing with our students in alignment with DoDEA instructional goals and standards, meeting the needs of the Whole Child.
WES’s educational community extends beyond our 21st-century learning environment; it includes our community partners, families, students, and the military garrison. Through our collaborative efforts, we believe that students will be able to participate and achieve more. Volunteer opportunities at WES are plentiful, so please feel free to join us. Some ways to get involved include lunch and recess support, the School Advisory Committee (SAC), and the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
As a team, with your input, we will continue to make data-informed decisions and utilize research-based, high-quality instructional practices to help every learner achieve their best. This year, we invite you to be part of the development of our SY24-26 School Action Plan (SAP).
The team and I are excited to see you often as we take our “Next Steps To Growing Greatness.”
Your Principal, Ms. Harwell

Mrs. Netra Harwell
Unit 24305
Box 86
APO, AE 09005-0086
United States

Dr. Mary Anne Hartley
Unit 24305
Box 86
APO, AE 09005-0086
United States

Seanie Sunshine Munoz
Unit 24305
Box 86
APO, AE 09005-0086
United States